Wednesday 30 October 2013




I felt this poster I found on the internet was well designed as it's quite clear with the message they're delivering.  Large, clean images and easy to read text.  I used this poster for inspiration during the semester.
Very first experiment using collage method.  Experimenting with found images and text.

Experimenting with text-only design.  I felt this poster had too much text.
Article from NZ Herald 'Nia Glassie Child Abuse Case'

Article from NZ Herald 'Nia Glassie Child Abuse Case' adding Support Line in red (which I had then been told I was not able to use due to copyright laws).

With the interviews I did last semester, I used a paragraph from one of them.  I wanted this experiment to be 'text-only'.
I then used the Copy Stand Steve had shown me how to use to take a photograph of this. 
My own sketch of a sad-looking teen.

Collaged the previous picture onto a white piece of paper I smeared with red paint using my hand and then printed the "Nia Glassie NZ Herald" Article around the subject.

I felt this image was quite attention grabbing as it's quite gruesome which is the whole point of these posters, so I rendered it via PhotoShop and added "a child is not a broken toy" using Chalkboard text.
This is my final design.
At our group critique activity I showed the poster above and someone suggested I change the placement and font of the previous text and handwrite it.  I liked the idea and so I then wrote the same but with a black marker and also placed the text under the dolls closed eye giving it an effect of a black/bruised eye.  I also rendered the colour to give it more rawness.

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